
9 Habits That Harm Your Teeth

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9 Habits that Harm Your Teeth-minYour teeth get damaged as a result of day-to-day wear and tear as well as ageing. In addition, their durability can also be significantly affected by your own habits. Every day, you expose your precious teeth to acids, sugars and starches, as well as excessive stress and pressure which are deemed to be major factors that lead to tooth damage. If you want to keep your beautiful smile, you should try to limit and avoid all these.

Also, it is very essential that you continue to observe proper oral hygiene. This means that you should see to it that you brush your teeth twice a day, floss regularly, and see your dentist for a regular dental checkup every six months. Doing you ensures that your teeth and gums are in perfect condition and well-protected from tooth damage, tooth decay, gum infection, and other dental and oral health problems.

For expert guidance when it comes to the well-being of your teeth and gums, consult your trusted Brisbane dentist here at Malouf Dental. We can help you achieve your healthiest and most beautiful smile by providing you with a comprehensive set of top-notch dental treatments in order to address your immediate and long-term dental care needs. Call us today on (07) 3390 6100 or simply book an appointment online to claim your FREE Dental Consultation.


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