
Author: dentalmalouf

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Is Invisalign for me?

Invisalign is a teeth straightening method which uses modern 3-D computer imaging technology to develop a series of invisible and custom made plastic aligners of a patient’s teeth and smile to develop a

Are Porcelain Veneers for me?

Feel conscious to smile in a group photo, first date or in an interview? Do you close your lips tight when you are asked to smile? It is said that

How do I floss?

Good oral hygiene involves more than just brushing your teeth. It also involves flossing and knowing how to floss correctly. Even though we have been flossing our teeth for years,

Is Teeth Whitening for you?

Everybody wants to have that pearly white smile. One of the most common questions patients ask when they visit us is how to make their teeth whiter. Brighter and whiter

Dental Clinic and the Novel Coronavirus

2019-nCoV or Novel Coronavirus as it is trending every minute of the day has set us on edge. At work, at schools, in the train, in hospitals, the talk revolves