Here’s a 3 minutes and 4 seconds How Gum Disease Makes You More Prone To Other Health Concerns video I made for you, to help you live a much healthier and much happier life. See full transcript below.
We can provide you with a comprehensive set of state-of-the-art dental treatments so that you can enjoy a lifetime of healthy and beautiful smiles. Call us today on (07) 3390 6100 or simply book your appointment online.
To find this video on our Youtube Channel, please click the link below:
Dentist Brisbane: How Gum Disease Makes You More Prone To Other Health Concerns
Here’s a 2 minutes and 53 seconds Your Kid’s Dental Health Can Be Influenced By TV Food Ads video I made for you, to keep your children free from dental and oral health problems. See full transcript below.
Our caring team is here to provide you with all of the help and advice that you will ever need to maintain optimum oral health. Call us today on (07) 3390 6100 or simply book your appointment online.
To find this video on our Youtube Channel, please click the link below:
Dentist Brisbane: Your Kid’s Dental Health Can Be Influenced By TV Food Ads
Dental abscess typically manifests as a localized accumulation of pus on the inner teeth and gums. Dental abscess usually results from bacterial infection that commonly occurs with dental fracture and gum disease. Dental abscess occurs alongside other dental anomalies such as toothache, chewing discomfort, dental sensitivity, neck gland inflammation, and swollen gums.
Dental abscess is typically divided into two types: periapical abscess and periodontal abscess.
Periapical abscess is the more common type of the dental abscess. Originating from the inner pulp of the tooth, periapical abscess usually develops as a complication of dental decay. Periapical abscess is often indicative of mouth-dwelling bacteria that ravage the inner dental structures.
Usually a complication of gum disease, periodontal abscess usually an indicative of gum infection. Periodontal abscess usually affects soft periodontal tissues and supporting dental structures, which prompts the teeth to partially loosen and eventually detach from the gums.
Periodontal abscess is alternatively referred to as a gum boil as it often results to swelling from the infected tooth.
The electric toothbrush has seen a rather exponential growth in popularity over the recent years. Its recent popularity is not surprisingly built on the premise and the already popular assumption that the electric toothbrush cleans better than manual toothbrush.
Clinical Associate Professor at the Boston University Henry M. Goldman School Of Dental Medicine John Ictech-Cassis explains that, at its very core, the idea of a toothbrush is to remove plaque and bacteria buildup, all while stimulating the gums. And as such, Ictech-Cassis remarks that most toothbrushes, with the right technique, will keep the teeth clean.
Here’s a 3 minutes and 2 seconds Address Tooth Loss With A Sense Of Urgency video. See full transcript below
Call us today on (07) 3390 6100 or simply book your appointment online and take the first step towards absolute dental and oral well-being. For patients on their first visit, we offer NO GAP. If you’re not with Private Health Fund, we offer FREE dental consultation.
To find this video on our Youtube Channel, please click the link below:
Dentist Brisbane: Address Tooth Loss With A Sense Of Urgency
Book your appointment online. For patients on their first visit, we offer $0 GAP. If you’re not with Private Health Fund, we offer FREE dental consultation. Call us on (07) 3390 6100.