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Is Invisalign for me?

Invisalign is a teeth straightening method which uses modern 3-D computer imaging technology to develop a series of invisible and custom made plastic aligners of a patient’s teeth and smile to develop a

How do I floss?

Good oral hygiene involves more than just brushing your teeth. It also involves flossing and knowing how to floss correctly. Even though we have been flossing our teeth for years,

Is Teeth Whitening for you?

Everybody wants to have that pearly white smile. One of the most common questions patients ask when they visit us is how to make their teeth whiter. Brighter and whiter

Dental Clinic and the Novel Coronavirus

2019-nCoV or Novel Coronavirus as it is trending every minute of the day has set us on edge. At work, at schools, in the train, in hospitals, the talk revolves

Emma Rose Smile Transformation with Dr. James Malouf

Its not everyday that I get to work with high profile entrepreneurs in their respective fields. You can imagine that when I received the opportunity to help Emma Rose improve her smile, I was quite honored that she had chosen me as her cosmetic dentist.

Tooth Decay: How Sports Drinks Promote Enamel Damage

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7 Best-known Dental Cavity Fighters

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Sugars are the one of the many causes of cavities and tooth decay. On the other hand, not all sweet foods trigger dental cavities. For instance, apples and sugar-free gums are known to be teeth-friendly as they can provide health benefits to your teeth and mouth. They help improve the amount of saliva in your mouth, which is great in getting rid of bad oral bacteria. With apples and sugarless gums containing xylitol, you can also prevent bad breath odour in a simple way.

Interesting Facts about Oral Bacteria

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Crooked Teeth: What are the Best Treatments?

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If you are hiding or controlling your smile due to your crooked teeth, then don’t prolong your suffering. Modern dentistry has provided a wide range of dental procedures to answer the numerous oral health concerns of patients. Your dental professional will be able to identify the treatment that can solve your misaligned teeth depending on the overall condition of your mouth.

How to Ease Dental Fear

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