
Teeth Whitening

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Is it Safe to Visit the Dentist?

With the coronavirus disease now deemed a pandemic by the World Health Organisation, the Australian Dental Association provides updated information about preventive measures that should be applied by dental clinics.

Why do you need Cosmetic Dentistry?

The Australian Dental Association recommends a complete oral care routine that includes brushing twice a day, flossing and using mouthwash. In addition to oral care at home, it is also recommended to visit a

How do I floss?

Good oral hygiene involves more than just brushing your teeth. It also involves flossing and knowing how to floss correctly. Even though we have been flossing our teeth for years,

Is Teeth Whitening for you?

Everybody wants to have that pearly white smile. One of the most common questions patients ask when they visit us is how to make their teeth whiter. Brighter and whiter

Ensuring That Teeth Whitening Is Safe

ENSURING THAT TEETH WHITENING IS SAFE-minEverybody loves to have that perfectly pearly white smile. This has made Teeth Whitening one of the most in-demand dental treatments here in Australia today.

Still, there is an on-going discussion regarding the safety of this dental procedure. Some say that it is not good for you and other argue that concerns can be easily managed.

Truth is, there can be circumstances in which bleaching your teeth can actually have adverse effects and eventually pose a threat to your dental and oral wellness.

Good thing here is that, your reliable dentist in Brisbane here at Malouf Dental can provide you with essential and accurate information on Teeth Whitening along with faulty perceptions about it, risks involved, and more importantly, how these concerns can be prevented.

Teeth Whitening: A Brighter Smile For A Better Quality Of Life


Enjoy More Out Of Life By Having A Perfectly Radiant Smile

ENJOY MORE OUT OF LIFE BY HAVING A PERFECTLY RADIANT SMILE-minLosing the brilliance of your precious smile to tooth staining is a dental concern that does not only affect your physical appearance.

It can also negatively affect other aspects of your life such as your self-image, psychological well-being, and your capacity for social interactions. That is why tooth discolouration should be dealt with accordingly and immediately.

This is where state-of-the-art Teeth Whitening can help you. All in all, this cosmetic dental treatment can bring back the radiance of your smile and counter the ill effects of tooth discolouration.

The Perks Of Having A Whiter Set Of Teeth

Getting a more radiant smile significantly improves your physical appearance and attractiveness. This will then boost your self-esteem and as a result, you become a lot more confident and comfortable with yourself. Also, this improvement in your smile positively affects how people respond to you.