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Enjoyable Ways to Brush Baby Teeth

Enjoyable ways to brush baby teeth-minBaby bottle tooth decay is one of the challenges parents might face as their little child grows up.

In this case, parents must introduce and show the importance of oral hygiene to their children as early as possible.

Through this, you can help your baby gain healthy teeth and mouth for life.

Gums and Baby Teeth Care

If the baby is not yet teething, you can start the hygiene routine by cleaning their gums.This doesn’t involve the usage of toothbrush and toothpaste. Here are the steps parents must do instead:

  • Use a soft, moistened piece of gauze or washcloth
  • Clean your baby’s gums gently twice a day, especially after feeding
  • Do the same routine before bedtime.

What Makes A Tooth?

What Makes a Tooth-minPeople generally grow 2 sets of teeth in a lifetime. These 2 sets being the primary teeth and the permanent teeth.

Otherwise known as baby teeth, deciduous teeth, and milk teeth, primary teeth usually start growing at 6 months and completely fall off at age 13. Children typically grow 20 baby teeth before their adult teeth start to grow into place.

Adult teeth, on the other hand, are referred to as permanent teeth because this set of pearly whites are naturally designed to last a lifetime. Adults usually grow 32 permanent teeth which develop between the ages of 6 and 14 years.