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Sugar Intake Should Be Reduced To Prevent Tooth Decay

SUGAR INTAKE SHOULD BE REDUCED TO PREVENT TOOTH DECAY-minIn spite of the significant effort put in upholding utmost dental and oral health, tooth decay is still one of the most prevalent chronic diseases in the world. In a global research on chronic illnesses, it has been found that tooth decay is the most common oral health problem, with a high global prevalence of 35 per cent. Here in Australia, out of 10 adults, 3 of which have untreated tooth decay.

To address this concern, it is important to note that main factors that lead to its onset. One of the major causes of tooth decay would be sugar intake. There is an undeniable link between the two.

As you munch on those sweets, oral bacteria feed on the sugars to form plaque which constantly produces acids that damage your teeth. For this reason, it is crucial to keep a close watch of your sugar consumption.

The Reminder On Sugar Intake From WHO

Wary of the consequences brought about by sugar intake, the World Health Organisation released a set of guidelines in 2002. According to this, sugars should be limited to only 10 per cent of the total energy intake. This only sums up to 50 grams per day. In addition, it was also noted that the target should be only 5 per cent or just 25 grams a day.

The Magic That Is In Your Smile

The Magic in Your Smile-minSmiling is one of the most noticeable and most pleasant forms of non-verbal communication.

It does not take much to give off a genuine smile, but it can most definitely give you and those who are around you an instant delight.

A smile is more than just a sweet gesture, more than just a beautiful sight. So what really is behind it? Experts from different fields have looked deeper into the smile.

Smiling And Your Brain

Every time you throw off a smile, you activate neural signals that allow for the release of several substances in your brain that provide you with various benefits. A smile stimulates the release of dopamine, serotonin, and endorphins in your brain. These neurotransmitters are natural pain relievers and anti-depressants. They significantly alleviate your mood and overall disposition. In essence, smiling is an effective way to happiness.

What Causes Dry Mouth

What Causes Dry Mouth Syndrome-minEssentially, dry mouth stems from a prominent lack of saliva production. Saliva is important as it keeps both dental and periodontal surfaces moist enough, thereby neutralizing potential bacteria damage and creating a healthy oral environment.

While dry mouth isn’t ideal, everyone experiences episodes of dry mouth every now and then. It is in this case that dry mouth is pretty much normal. Persistent and recurring episodes of dry mouth, however, are another thing. Medically referred to xerostomia, frequent episodes of dry mouth maybe symptomatic of improperly working salivary glands.

  • Xerostomia. or chronic dry mouth, can result from a number of possible causes. Among the most common of which include:
  • Disease. There is a wide of range of unwanted medical anomalies that could easily ruin the salivary glands, and therefore cause dry mouth. These include diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, HIV/AIDS, and Sjogren’s., among many others.
  • Medication. At present, 400 different types of medicine are documented to cause persistent dry mouth. Among the most common of which include antihistamines, decongestants, painkillers, diuretics, and anti-depression medication.

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