
Dental Implants

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Do you have teeth sensitivity?

Do you get a painful jolt when you eat or drink hot or cold foods? Dentine hypersensitivity or teeth sensitivity is a common dental problem that develops over time due

How to mantain your veneers

So, you decided to take the plunge and got your veneers done. You feel confident and flash your smile on every occasion showing those bright, white, and even teeth. You

Do you suffer from dry mouth?

Dry mouth, or xerostomia (Zeer-o-STOE-me-uh), is a condition in which the salivary glands in your mouth do not make enough saliva to keep your mouth wet. We all need saliva to moisten

Do you have healthy teeth?

Not so long ago when we used to see celebrities and influencers with those perfect pearly smiles, we immediately thought about the expensive Hollywood smile. However, these days the price

How to choose a good dentist?

Choosing a new dentist can be a daunting process for many of us. A dentist like any health professional sees us when we are most vulnerable. Let’s be honest, how

The Benefits of Dental Implants

A dental implant is a high-tech replacement tooth that is attached to the jawbone. Generally, dental implants are made from titanium or non-metal white zirconia which is inserted into the

Dental Implants: The 5 Common Myths and Facts

Dental Implants (myths and facts)-min
With various dental procedures today varying from dentures to implants, it’s quite confusing what would be the best solution for your missing teeth. Your dental professional will only guide you through these options but at the end of the day the final decision is still yours. You want to get dental implants because you’ve heard it is the most ideal treatment for tooth loss. On the other hand, you’ve heard some unpleasant fictions about the procedure online and so you became a bit doubtful to get dental implants.

Ageing Beautifully With A Little Help From Cosmetic Dentistry