
Porcelain veneers

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Can oral health affect your overall health?

Did you know that dental decay is the second most costly diet-related disease in Australia comparable in cost with heart disease and diabetes? As per Health Expenditure in Australia 2015-2016

Does vomiting cause dental problems?

Frequent vomiting can cause serious damage to teeth. Vomit is toxic because it contains stomach acids. These acids break down food in your stomach so your body can digest it.

Dental care in summer

The days are getting warmer (Although the nights are still a little bit cool) which means summer is on the horizon. In Queensland, we can expect blazing temperatures and sweltering

Benefits of wearing a mouthguard

Do you play contact sports? Do you wear padding, helmets, and protective gear while playing sports? Do you avoid wearing a mouthguard while playing sports? If so, continue to read

Do you have teeth sensitivity?

Do you get a painful jolt when you eat or drink hot or cold foods? Dentine hypersensitivity or teeth sensitivity is a common dental problem that develops over time due

How to mantain your veneers

So, you decided to take the plunge and got your veneers done. You feel confident and flash your smile on every occasion showing those bright, white, and even teeth. You

Emma Rose Smile Transformation with Dr. James Malouf

Its not everyday that I get to work with high profile entrepreneurs in their respective fields. You can imagine that when I received the opportunity to help Emma Rose improve her smile, I was quite honored that she had chosen me as her cosmetic dentist.

Ageing Beautifully With A Little Help From Cosmetic Dentistry