
Tobacco Use Affect Oral Health

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Taking care of your teeth in the holiday season

The season to be jolly is fast approaching and for many it is not just the time of giving, but also the time to indulge in eating, drinking and making

Does cosmetic dentistry make you happier?

Everyone seeks a perfect beautiful smile. In the olden days, women used to adorn their teeth with jewels such as the early Mayans who encrusted their teeth with gemstones. After

Dangerous trends on social media

The internet is a vast trove of information people use to research, investigate and DIY. This includes social media which has boomed over the years as an indispensable tool for

Future of Oral Health

Not many people like to visit the dentist even though they know how important oral health is and how it can be connected to their overall health. In this age

Types of dental floss

Did you know that less than 5% of Australians regularly floss their teeth? And many of us floss just twice a year - the night before our 6 monthly dental check-up. If

Is vaping bad for your teeth?

It is common knowledge that smoking can have seriously disastrous effects on your oral health. However, these days it is cool to do vaping which is increasing in popularity over

How Tobacco Use Affect Oral Health Significantly

How tobacco use affect oral health-min